Kamloops Registration

Lac Du Bois North Spring 2022

Fields marked with an * are required

Welcome to course registration for Lac Du Bois North Park.  If you have any feedback about the form, please contact us at contact@sageorienteering.ca

All participants must be current Sage members in order to participate. You can sign up for a Sage Membership on Zone4.

I will check in after participating.

Please Do Not Share Maps!

While we love sharing our love of this sport, everyone who participates in a Sage Orienteering Club event (including self-directed trainings) must be a Sage member because in order to satisfy our insurer’s conditions. Sage members are not allowed to share course maps with others, or allow participation, by individuals (or groups including schools) who are not Sage members. Any map requests that you make are for yourself, and any other Sage members you name during the registration process. We intentionally keep membership costs low (especially for newcomers) to keep the sport accessible to everyone, so please follow the rules so we can keep these trainings going.